Category Archives: Lets save the earth

Health – what keeps us ALIVE

Concerned about healthcare? What about the most pressing issue of the HEALTH of our HOME – PLANET EARTH? Come together!! “I pledge allegiance to the Earth, and to the flora, fauna, & human life it supports. One planet, indivisible, with safe air, water and soil, economic justice, equal rights and peace for all. ” – Anonymous ♥

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Save our Rainforests!

Our rainforests are being cut down every minute of every day and we need to put a stop to it!  A large amount of species living in the rainforest are being driven in to extinction.  If we continue to tear down the rainforest  many animals, that people travel to see from all over the world, will be nothing but a memory.  Not only is the rainforest home to 50-70 percent of all life forms on our planet but it also provides many resources from oxygen, medicinal products, fresh drinking water  and much more.  Rainforests are the most productive and most complex ecosystems on Earth.  This planet needs rainforests to exist and it is up to this generation and the generations to come to save them!

Here are some ways that you can contribute to saving our rainforests:



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Get with the program

It’s the new trend to bring your reusable bag with you to the grocery store or even a department store. Everyone needs to really get with the program and stop using paper and plastic, its harmful to our earth!

Did you know that plastic bags are the second most common trash item found on beaches, and contribute to the giant floating garbage patch in the Pacific?  A  reusable bag has the potential to replace over 600 single-use plastic bags over its lifetime, so what is stopping you from bringing yours along? There is actually a few places that even give discounts or prizes for using one at check out, like Trader Joes, Target, CVS pharmacy, Whole Foods and Kroger!

Paper bags are not the better choice, it takes 14 million trees each year in the United States to produce a year’s supply of paper bags for retail use.  “One acre of forest absorbs six tons of carbon dioxide and puts out four tons of oxygen.” —U.S. Department of Agriculture  

Reusable bags reduce litter and conserve natural resources so next time say NO to paper or plastic ❤

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10 simple things you can do to save the EARTH

1: recycle – have 1 garbage can for trash and 1 garbage can for recyclable.  If you are not sure what you can recycle go to:

*tip: look on the bottom of items and check to see if they have the recycle logo.

2. Turn your water off when you are not using it – people use up our planets fresh water faster than it can naturally be replenished.  By using water wisely you are saving energy and you are contributing to saving our planet.

3. Start bringing your cloth reusable bags to the grocery store / department stores and stop using plastic and paper bags.

4. Stop using so much paper and embrace the technology we have by emailing instead of mailing, it’s called E Friendly.

5. Use the off switch – Save electricity and reduce global warming by turning off your lights when you are not using them.

6. Plant a tree – trees absorb carbon dioxide and give off oxygen. A single tree will absorb about one ton of carbon dioxide during its lifetime.  Go to: to help plant a tree.

7. Snip six-pack rings – these products can entangle birds, fish and other small animals.

8. Participate in a beach or park cleanup. So many people in this world pollute and that trash is going in our oceans and is killing our innocent sea creatures like sea turtles, fish, dolphins and more.

9. Carpool or use your legs for transportation this will help your spending budget and also keeps carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.

10. Encourage others to conserve – share this information with your family, friends, neighbors and co workers and make a change!

Reuse, reduce, recycle

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The Power of Love

Love can overcome almost anything and we believe that the power of love can bring everyone together to save our beautiful planet earth. So many people want to make a difference in the world but don’t know how or where to start so we have made a foundation that will allow people to contribute to saving not only this generation but the generations to come. Believe in the Power of love, its time to make a change!Image

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EXPAND your consciousness!!

CHANGE Americas food system for the better (NO GMO & stop torturing of animals), STOP the mass extinction of biodiversity & SAVE animals on the brink of extinction, SAVE our oceans, START recycling, Animal RIGHTS, Get Monsanto OUT of government, LEGALIZE and mass produce hemp for fuel and paper and come TOGETHER as ONE to save our planet earth – this is what we, GENERATION AWAKENING stand for!

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